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Who's who?
H.E. Mr. Philippe KRIDELKA
Permanent Representative
Deputy Permanent Representative
Sustainable Development & Humanitarian Aid
Cluster oversight/ ECOSOC & 2nd Committee Coordination, UN Development System Reform, Boards, Funds and Programs (UNDP, UNFPA), LDCs (GoF)
- Mr. Frederic VAN PETEGHEM
First Secretary
Boards, Funds and Programs (UNICEF, UN-WOMEN), Decent Work (GoF), Humanitarian Questions (including OCHA, DRR), Food & Agriculture/ Health/ Education
- Ms. Elisa DE RAES
First Secretary
High-Level Political Forum & SDGs, Climate Change, Biodiversity – Oceans, Migration
- For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Kathelijne Cooreman
Peace & Security
Coordination UNSC (Art 34, PoW, Liaison COPS), EUHOMs, Europe/ Middle East & North Africa, 4th Committee (PAL + other issues), Francophonie
- Mr. Ludovic BOL
First Secretary Sub-Saharan Africa, Sahel, Peacekeeping Operations (incl. C34), DDR & Security Sector Reform, Peacebuilding Commission, Natural Resources / Piracy
- Ms. Marie-Adéläide MATHEI First Secretary Disarmament/First Committee, Non proliferation, Outer Space, Women Peace and Security, Children and Armed Conflict/YPS, Protection of Civilians, Migration
- Ms. Marieke ANAF
First Secretary Counterterrorism, Sanctions (CT), Peacebuilding, conflict prevention + mediation (UN DPPA), Asia Latin America
- For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Florence Latinis
Human Rights
- Mr. Gilles BAUWENS
Human Rights Coordination (5C, OCA, Call to Action, HRC,…), 3rd Committee, Open Ended Working Group on Ageing, ECOSOC NGO Committee, Commission on the Status of Women
- For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Marjolein Van Dooren
Legal Affairs
- Ms. Elisa DE RAES
First Secretary/Legal advisor
6th Committee, Accountability, Transitional Justice, Sanctions (general), Responsibility to Protect (R2P), International Courts, Rule of Law, UNCLOS, BBNJ
- For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Marjolein Van Dooren
UN Budget & Management
- Mr. Basiel BOGAERTS
First Secretary
5th Committee, UN Budget, Financial Questions, Peacekeeping, civilian capacities, UN Change Management, Cyber/Internet Governance/Digital Compact
- For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Marjolein Van Dooren
Elections & candidatures
- Ms. Isabelle BARDIJN
Elections officer / Advisor
UN Elections, UN Belgians & candidatures, Our Common Agenda (general) , GA Plenary + General Committee, GA Revitalization + SC Reform
- For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Marjolein Van Dooren
Press, Communication & Outreach (including internship program)
- Ms. Marieke ANAF
First Secretary
Military Affairs – Peacekeeping
- Colonel Marc BOUTHÉ
Military Staff Committee, C34
Working Group on Peacekeeping Operation
- ADC (OR-9) Mario SIX
Assistant Military Adviser