About us

Who's who at the Permanent Mission.

Belgian Mission Team

Our Belgian Mission Team.
  1. Last updated on
The Belgian Mission Team

Who's who?

Arriving soon
Permanent Representative

H.E. Mr. Karl LAGATIE 
Deputy Permanent Representative

Sustainable Development & Humanitarian Aid

     Cluster oversight & SDG follow-up, ECOSOC & 2nd Committee Coordination, UN   Development System Reform, Financing for Dev't, LDCs (GoF)     


  • Mr. Frederic VAN PETEGHEM
     First Secretary
     Humanitarian Questions (incl. OCHA, UNWRA, DRR, F&P), Food & Agriculture/ (Mental)   Health/ Education, Decent Work (GoF) and World Social Summit


  • Mr. Stone HOCKER
     Boards, Funds & Programs (UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS) - Vice-Chair, Science for Action (GoF),   Scientific Board, STI    


  • Mr. Benjamin ROBINET                                                                                                   Second Secretary                                                                                                                         High-Level Political Forum (SDGs), Climate (Security), Biodiversity - Oceans,                     SIDS, Boards, Funds & Programs (UNICEF, UN-WOMEN), Youth, Drugs, Francophonie 
  •  For questions related to this cluster: Ms. Kathelijne Cooreman

Peace & Security

  • Mr. Christophe CARDON DE LICHTBUER
     Political Coordinator, Coordination UNSC (Art 34, PoW, Liaison COPS), Preparation   EUHOMs, Middle East & North Africa, 4th Committee (PAL + other issues), Europe/Ukraine                                                                                 
  • Mr. Ludovic BOL                                                   
     First Secretary                                                                                                                       Sub-Saharan Africa, Sahel, Peacekeeping Operations (incl. C34), DDR & Security Sector   Reform, Natural Resources/Piracy 


  • Ms. Marie-Adéläide MATHEI                                                                                                   First Secretary                                                                                                                         1st   Committee, Disarmament/Non-proliferation/Outer Space, Women, Peace and Security   (WPS), Children and Armed Conflict / YPS, Protection of Civilians, Migration           


  • Ms. Marieke ANAF
     First Secretary                                                                                                           Counterterrorism, Sanctions (CT), Peacebuilding, conflict   prevention, mediation, Asia (incl.   Afghanistan) / Latin America, 4C (Information)


Human Rights 


  • Mr. Gilles BAUWENS
     Human Rights Coordination (PotF, Call to Action, HRC, 5C…), LGBTI, FFP+, 3rd   Committee, Commission on the Status of Women, NGO Committee/ OEWGA  



Legal Affairs


  • Ms. Elisa DE RAES
     First Secretary/Legal advisor
     6th Committee, Accountability, RoL, Transitional Justice, R2P, Int. Courts, Ecocide,   UNCLOS, BBNJ, Sea Level Rise (legal), Sanctions (General)          


UN Budget & Management


  • Mr. Basiel BOGAERTS
     First Secretary
     5th Committee, UN Budget, Financial Questions, UN Change Mgt, Cyber/Internet   Governance/ Digital Compact             



Elections & candidatures


  • Ms. Isabelle BARDIJN
     Elections officer / Advisor
     UN Elections, UN Belgians & candidatures, Pact of the Future (general), GA Plenary (*) +   General Committee, GA Revitalization + SC Reform             


Press, Communication & Outreach (including internship program)


  • Ms. Marieke ANAF
     First Secretary

Military Affairs – Peacekeeping


  • Colonel Marc BOUTHÉ
     Military Staff Committee, C34
     Working Group on Peacekeeping Operation


  • ADC (OR-9) Mario SIX
     Assistant Military Adviser